Vocabulary - Lifestyle: Unhealthy Living
Vocabulary - Lifestyle: Unhealthy Living
Lifestyle Vocabulary: Unhealthy Living
Unhealthy Foods and Drinks
- Fastfood - Fast food
- Chips - Crisps
- Süßigkeiten - Sweets
- Schokolade - Chocolate
- Zuckerhaltige Getränke - Sugary drinks
- Alkohol - Alcohol
- Fettiges Essen - Greasy food
- Salzige Snacks - Salty snacks
Lack of Exercise
- Kein Sport treiben - Do no sports
- Bewegungsmangel - Lack of exercise
- Faul sein - To be lazy
- Zu viel fernsehen - Watch too much TV
- Sitzen - To sit
Harmful Habits
- Rauchen - Smoking
- Übermäßiger Alkoholkonsum - Excessive alcohol consumption
- Drogenkonsum - Drug use
- Nachts aufbleiben - Staying up late
Unhealthy Lifestyle
- Ungesunder Lebensstil - Unhealthy lifestyle
- Stress - Stress
- Schlafstörungen - Sleep disorders
- Übergewicht - Overweight
- Unterernährung - Malnutrition
It’s important to familiarize yourself with these words and phrases as they can offer great detail when discussing unhealthy living in German. Remember, practice makes perfect! Try employing this vocabulary in complete sentences while also working on pronunciation.