Me, Friends and Family: Relationships

Me, Friends and Family: Relationships

Relationship vocabulary

  • Use Meine Freundin/Freund… to say My girlfriend/boyfriend…
  • Some phrases to describe your relationships are: Wir kommen gut aus (We get on well), Wir streiten uns oft (We often argue), Wir haben viel gemeinsam (We have a lot in common).

Description of family

  • Use Meine Mutter/Vater/Schwester/Bruder ist… to say My mother/father/sister/brother is… followed by an adjective.
  • Some adjectives you could use are: freundlich (friendly), streng (strict), laut (loud), leise (quiet), nett (nice), gemein (mean).


  • To talk about your friends, you might say Mein(e) Freund (m)/Freundin (f) ist… (My friend is…) followed by an adjective.
  • Common adjectives to describe friends could include: witzig (funny), zuverlässig (reliable), loyal (loyal), ehrlich (honest), gemeinsam (common).

Activities with friends

  • Use Ich verbringe Zeit mit… (I spend time with…) or Ich gehe aus mit … (I go out with…), followed by meinen Freunden (my friends) or the name of a close friend.
  • Key phrases for activities include: Kino gehen (going to cinema), Essen gehen (going out for a meal), einkaufen gehen (going shopping).

Family relations

  • Describe relationships using: Ich habe… (I have…), followed by eine gute Beziehung zu… (a good relationship with…), or einen schlechten Beziehung zu… (a bad relationship with…), then your family member.
  • Use Meine Eltern sind… (My parents are…) followed by verheiratet (married), getrennt (separated), geschieden (divorced), ledig (single) to express the marital status of your parents.

Conflict and Resolution

  • Relevant vocab for conflicts include: der Streit (the argument), sich streiten (to argue), das Missverständnis (the misunderstanding), ärgern (to annoy), sich entschuldigen (to apologize).
  • Use wir… + verb to express actions in conflicts, for example: wir streiten uns (we argue), wir versöhnen uns (we reconcile), wir ignorieren uns (we ignore each other).