Study and Employment: School Routine
Study and Employment: School Routine
School Routine Vocabulary - German
The School Day
- The first thing in the morning is der Unterrichtsbeginn, the start of the lessons.
- After a few classes, there is die Pause, a break.
- At midday you might have die Mittagspause, the lunch break.
- After the whole day has passed, it’s time for der Schulschluss, the end of school.
Daily Activities
- Die Hausaufgaben are homework tasks that students typically complete after school.
- If you’re discussing the content of a lesson or a revision session, you’d be talking about der Lernstoff.
- Conducting an experiment or a practice activity in class? That’s die Übung.
- Checking, assessing, and giving feedback on classwork and homework is known as die Korrektur.
Taking Exams
- Be well prepared for die Klassenarbeit or die Prüfung - both mean a test or an exam.
- Those revision sessions to help you prepare for such tests? They are your der Lernstunde.
- And, after you’ve done the hard work, you await for das Prüfungsergebnis, the test result.
Navigating the School
- Where you have your lessons, that’s das Klassenzimmer, the classroom.
- If you’re going to the library to do some revision or take out a book, you’re going to die Bibliothek.
- For those who take lunch from the school canteen, the word you are looking for is die Mensa.
Types of Schools
- In Germany, the common high school is known as das Gymnasium. However, there are alternatives like die Realschule or die Hauptschule.
- For the younger kids, the school is called die Grundschule, the primary school.
As you go through this list, try to imagine a typical school day, from when you arrive in the morning until you leave in the afternoon, and visualise where each term fits in. Wishing you the best in your revision!