Vocabulary - Lifestyle: Illnesses
Vocabulary - Lifestyle: Illnesses
Lifestyle Vocabulary: Illnesses
Common Illnesses
- Krankheit - Illness
- Erkältung - Cold
- Grippe - Flu
- Kopfschmerzen - Headache
- Bauchschmerz - Stomachache
- Fieber - Fever
- Husten - Cough
- Schnupfen - Runny nose
- Allergie - Allergy
Health Professionals & Locations
- Arzt/Ärztin - Doctor
- Krankenschwester/Krankenpfleger - Nurse
- Apotheke - Pharmacy
- Krankenhaus - Hospital
- Praxis - Doctor’s surgery
Symptoms & Treatments
- Symptome - Symptoms
- Behandlung - Treatment
- Medikamente - Medication
- Schmerzmittel - Painkillers
- Antibiotika - Antibiotics
- Fiebermessung - Fever measurement
- Bettruhe - Bed rest
Emotional Health
- Angst - Anxiety
- Depression - Depression
- Stress - Stress
- Traurigkeit - Sadness
- Erschöpfung - Exhaustion
To excel in discussing illnesses in German, ensure to learn these vocabulary. Practice pronunciation and usage in relevant sentences. Likewise, understand the contextual use of each term.