Me, Friends and Family: Partnership

Me, Friends and Family: Partnership


Describing a Partner

  • Use Mein Partner/meine Partnerin ist… (My partner is…) followed by an adjective to describe your partner.
  • Adjectives to describe a partner might include: liebevoll (loving), nett (nice), treu (faithful), loyal (loyal), intelligent (intelligent), humorvoll (humorous).
  • To mention your partner’s profession, say Mein Partner/meine Partnerin ist ein(e)… (My partner is a…) and mention the profession. For example, Lehrer (teacher), Arzt (doctor), Koch (cook).

Expressing Feelings

  • Express your sentiments towards your partner using phrases like: Ich liebe meinen Partner/meine Partnerin (I love my partner).
  • Other important phrases include: Ich vermisse meinen Partner/meine Partnerin (I miss my partner), Ich kümmere mich um meinen Partner/meine Partnerin (I care about my partner).

Discussing Future Plans

  • To discuss future plans, use Wir planen… (We plan to…) followed by the infinitive of a verb.
  • Some verbs that may be used include: heiraten (to get married), zusammenziehen (to move in together), reisen (to travel), Kinder bekommen (to have children).

Responsibilities and Roles

  • Express household roles using phrases like: Wir teilen uns die Hausarbeit (We share the household chores),
  • When discussing responsibilities: Ich bin verantwortlich für das Kochen (I am responsible for cooking), Mein Partner/meine Partnerin kümmert sich um die Wäsche (My partner takes care of the laundry).

Conflict and Resolution

  • In a particular situation, express conflict with: Wir streiten uns über… (We argue about…) Follow this with what you argue about e.g Geld (money), Hausarbeit (housework), Zeitmanagement (time management).
  • Discuss resolution using phrases like: Wir lösen unsere Probleme durch Gespräche (We solve our problems through discussions) or Wir entschuldigen uns und versuchen, Kompromisse zu finden (We apologise and try to find compromises).

Remember, practice and familiarity with the vocabulary and phrases is key to gaining confidence and fluency. Don’t rush through, take your time to understand and use them appropriately.