Travel and Tourism: Where to Go
Travel and Tourism: Where to Go
Types of Accommodation
- das Hotel - the hotel
- die Pension - the bed and breakfast
- die Jugendherberge - the youth hostel
- der Campingplatz - the camp site
Types of Destinations
- die Stadt - the city
- das Dorf - the village
- das Gebirge - the mountains
- der Strand - the beach
- das Land - the country
Key Vocabulary
- der Ausflug - the excursion
- die Sehenswürdigkeit - the sight
- das Denkmal - the monument
- die Kunstgalerie - the art gallery
- das Museum - the museum
- der Freizeitpark - the amusement park
- der Zoo - the zoo
Specific Locations
- der Marktplatz - the market place
- der Bahnhof - the train station
- der Flughafen - the airport
- das Einkaufszentrum - the shopping centre
- der Hafen - the port
- der Park - the park
- das Schwimmbad - the swimming pool
- die Bushaltestelle - the bus stop
Remember to practice these words and phrases regularly, and aim to use them in a sentence to help commit them to memory. Not only will this improve your vocabulary skills, but will help you structure sentences more fluently whilst demonstrating a strong understanding of travel-related jargon.