Human Relationships

Augustine’s Teaching on Human Relationships

Original Sin and Relationships

  • According to Augustine, Original Sin from Adam and Eve impacts all aspects of human nature, including our relationships
  • He taught that the temptation to sin affects every part of human life, and this ‘concupiscence’ can cause conflicts and struggles in relationships

Love and Relationships

  • Augustine argued that humans must direct their love towards God first to have successful relationships
  • He believed that any love for each other must be secondary to love of God
  • Augustine felt that disordered love might lead to problems in relationships

Grace and Relationships

  • Augustine emphasised the role of God’s Grace in relationships, asserting that we need God’s help to overcome original sin and maintain healthy relationships
  • He argues that God’s grace, given freely, allows humans to overcome their sinful nature and act righteously in relationships, demonstrating ‘agape’ love.

Sexuality and Relationships

  • Augustine linked sexuality and sin, considering sexual desire a primary demonstration of humanity’s fallen nature, influencing our human relationships
  • He claimed that Adam and Eve were created to reproduce without lust, but after the fall, lust entered the human condition. This lust incites humans to put their own desires before others’, thereby disrupting relationships.

Augustine’s Influence on Christian Teachings

  • Augustine’s teachings have influenced Christian thinking about relationships, including the concepts of marriage, love, sex and family
  • His views on original sin and grace have shaped the ritual of Baptism in Christianity, affecting relationships by placing them within the context of the Christian community and its relationship with God.
  • Augustine’s ideas continue to stir debate, with critics claiming they depict a negative view of human relationships.