

  • A key aspect of Gender & Theology focuses on comparative analysis between different religious traditions, exploring how each one perceives and portrays gender roles.
  • The comparison could include contrasting views between monotheistic and polytheistic religions. For instance, some monotheistic religions emphasise a male deity, which could potentially afford a sense of supremacy to the male gender, compared to polytheistic faiths where there are both male and female deities.
  • Similarly, look at the difference between Eastern and Western theological traditions. In Eastern religions, like in Hindu or Buddhist teachings, there can be greater gender fluidity in divinity, while Western Abrahamic religions often present deity in masculine terms.
  • Different faiths’ scriptures provide a rich platform for comparison. What is the authored gender of the spiritual texts’ writers and how does this influence the presentation of divinity and discipleship?
  • The historical context of each religious tradition greatly impacts its theology of gender. Compare how societal structures at the time of its inception might influence this.
  • Analyze sacraments and rituals of each faith - are there gender-separated rituals or gender-specific roles in spiritual ceremonies? Compare these practises and how they contribute to gender identity within a theological framework.
  • Organizations and power structures within religions offer key insights into gender roles. Are there gender restrictions in religious leadership positions? How does it differ among varying faiths?
  • The concept of God’s femininity or masculinity is another comparison point. Do faiths present a wholly masculine God or is there a recognition of feminine aspects within divinity?
  • Be sure to include critique of feminist or queer theologians who argue against traditional gender roles in religion, pushing for more inclusive interpretations and practises.
  • Lastly, the idea of the sacred feminine and its place within theological discussion could also be brought forth for comparative analysis.