
  • Concept of Eternity: Eternity in regards to the nature of God refers to the idea God exists outside of time and space, unbound by the constraints of temporality. The concept of God’s eternity is common in monotheistic religions.

  • Eternity in Christian Theology: Christian theologians often suggest that God is not only without end but timeless, experiencing all moments simultaneously. This means God knows the past, present and future, yet His actions and existence are not influenced by our linear perception of time.

  • Aquinas on Eternity: St. Thomas Aquinas argues that God is both omnipresent and eternal. He describes eternity as “the simultaneously-whole and perfect possession of interminable life”. This suggests that God’s existence is complete and perfect in every moment of time and beyond.

  • Eternal vs. Everlasting: Some philosophers argue there’s a distinction between being eternal (outside of time) and being everlasting (without beginning or end, but still bound by time). This perspective sees eternal beings as timeless and changeless, while an everlasting being experiences time but has no beginning or end.

  • Eternity and Temporality: God is often seen as eternal, but our human experience is temporal. This divide can potentially challenge God’s omniscience (all-knowing) attribute. If God exists outside of time, it could be argued that He might not totally understand the human temporal existence.

  • Eternity and Omniscience: God’s eternity could explain His omniscience. If God exists outside and inside of all time, He would know all events in the past, present & future as they are happening.

  • Implications of Eternity: Understanding God as eternal has implications on other divine attributes such as immutability (unchangeableness). If God exists eternally outside of time, then He does not change, as change requires time.

  • Eternity and Mortality: Eternity also has implications for human understanding of mortality and life after death. If God is eternal, the promise of eternal life may be interpreted as an existence with God outside time after death, offering a unique perspective on the concept of an afterlife.

  • Critiques of Eternity: Some critics question the coherence of the concept of God’s eternity. For instance, if God is eternal and unchanging, how can He be responsive to differing situations or prayers? This also raises questions about God’s passibility - capability to experience feelings - or impassibility - incapability to experience feelings.