Complex Grammar
En + present participle
‘En + present participle’ is used when you want to describe two actions which happen more or less at the same time:
_ e.g. En sortant de l’hôtel, tournez à droite_. (As you go out of the hotel, turn right)
It translates the English expressions ‘whilst/while -ing’ and ‘by -ing’:
_ e.g. Je me suis cassé la jambe ___en faisant ____du ski. (I broke my leg (whilst) skiing.)
_ ____e.g. ____En mangeant ____moins,__ ___on perd des kilos. (By eating less, you lose weight.)
The present participle is formed as follows:
- Take the ‘nous’ form of the present tense, e.g ‘nous faisons’
- remove the ‘nous’ and ‘-ons ending to give the stem ‘fais-’
- add ‘-ant’, to give ‘faisant’
Three important exceptions are :
être : étant - being
avoir : ayant - having
savoir : sachant - knowing
- How do you form the present participle?
- Your answer should include: Take the 'nous' form / remove the 'ons' / add 'ant'
- Translate: en jouant au tennis, je me suis cassé le bras
- Your answer should include: whilst playing tennis / I broke my arm
The __subjunctive mood __is used in a number of situations, most commonly in expressions of necessity or desire.
The present subjunctive is formed using the 3rd person plural __[ils/elles] form of the __present indicative.
Remove the -ent and add the following endings:
Many of the most common verbs are irregular in the subjunctive, and are listed in the following table:
Il faut qu’elle __fasse__ ses devoirs _(She must do her homework.)_ [It is necessary that she does her homework.]
Mon père veut que j’aille_ à l’université_ (My father wants me to go to university) […wants that I go…]
_Bien qu’il y __ait__ du vent, il fait chaud (_Even though it__‘s__ windy, it’s hot)
- Which kind of expressions require the subjunctive?
- expressions of necessity or desire