Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest 1

Key vocabulary learning skills

__Vocabulary learning skills: __

__ __

  1. To try and reduce the number you need to learn, try to use all the tricks you can e.g.

a. “ha ha it sounds like” – Laine = wool = a sheep called Len. (If it makes you laugh it is more likely to work. Our brains are funny like that!)

b. “ooh it reminds me of” – pantalon = a bit like pantaloons = those funny old fashioned trousers in your history books.

  1. At home, do it little and often - lots of breaks because it is boring!

  2. No background noise/music. (Music is good for concentration for most other HW but bad for memorisation HW – it just is. Sorry!)

  3. Learn the meanings first.

Cover up the English

Test yourself: Look – cover – say (the English) – check

Test yourself again: Look – cover – say – check (just ones you got wrong)

When you have 100% correct, move on

  1. Now learn the spellings.

Cover up the French

Test yourself: Look – cover – write (the French) – check

Look – cover – write – check (just the ones you got wrong)

        	When you have 100% correct, have a biscuit! 



accueil l’ (m) - welcome

aéroport l’ (m) - airport

Afrique l’ (f)/africain - Africa/African

agence de voyages l’ (f) - travel agency

Algérie l’ (f)/algérien - Algeria/Algerian

Allemagne l’ (f)/allemand - Germany/German

Alpes les (f) - Alps

Angleterre l’ (f)/anglais - England/English

arrivée l’ (f) - arrival

ascenseur l’ (m) - lift

s’asseoir - to sit down

attendre - to wait (for)

auberge de jeunesse l’ (f) - youth hostel

auto l’ (f) - car

autobus l’ (m) - bus

autoroute l’ (f) - motorway

aventure l’ (f) - adventure

avion l’ (m) - plane

bagages les (m) - luggage

(se) baigner - to bathe, swim

bateau le - boat

Belgique la/belge - Belgium/Belgian

bord de la mer le - seaside

bronzer - to sunbathe

car le - coach

carte la - map

carte postale la - postcard

casser - to break

chambre de famille la - family room

chercher - to look for

Chine la/chinois - China/Chinese

clé la - key

colonie de vacances la - holiday/summer camp

conduire - to drive

se coucher - to go to bed

crème solaire la - sun cream

départ le - departure

descendre - to stay

dortoir le - dormitory

Douvres - Dover

Durer - to last

échange l’ (m) - exchange

Ecosse l’ (f)/écossais - Scotland/Scottish

en plein air - in the open air

Espagne l’ (f)/espagnol - Spain/Spanish

essence l’ (f) - petrol

Etats-Unis les (m) - USA

à l’étranger - abroad

étranger l’ (m) - stranger/foreigner

expliquer - to explain

faire la connaissance - to get to know

faire du camping - to go camping

(se) garer - to park

Grande-Bretagne la/britannique - Great Britain/British

(s’) habituer à - to get used to

horaire l’ (m) - timetable

île l’ (f) - island

lac le - lake

laisser - to leave

laver - to wash

(se) laver - to get washed

Lentement - slowly

Lever - to lift

(se) lever - to get up

lit le - bed

location de voitures la - car rental

logement le - accommodation

loger - to stay, lodge

loisir le - free time (activity)

Londres - London

Louer - to hire, rent

lunettes de soleil les (f) - sun glasses

maillot de bain le - swimming costume

Manche la - English Channel

Marcher - to walk

Maroc le/marocain - Morocco/Moroccan

Méditerranée la - Mediterranean

monde le - world

montagne la - mountain

monter - to go up/ascend

moto la - motor bike

nager - to swim

parc d’attractions le - theme park

partir - to leave

Pays de Galles le/gallois - Wales/Welsh

pièce d’identité la - means of identification

plage la - beach

plan de ville le - town plan

se présenter - to introduce oneself

prêt - ready

projet le - plan

se promener - to go for a walk

propriétaire le/la - owner

randonnée la - walk, hike

remercier - to thank

rendez-vous le - meeting

renseignements les (m) - information

réserver - to book, reserve

rester - to stay

retour le - return

retourner - to return

(se) réveiller - to wake up

Revenir - to come back

rivière la - river

route la - road, way

salle de séjour la - lounge

sable le - sand

sac de couchage le - sleeping bag

séjour le - stay, visit

spectacle le - show

Suisse la/suisse - Switzerland/Swiss

tourisme le - tourism

tourner - to turn

Tunisie la/tunisien - Tunisia/Tunisian

vacances les (f) - holidays

valise la - suitcase

visite la (guidée) - (guided) visit

voiture la - car

vol le - flight

voler - to fly

voyager - to travel

vue de mer la - sea view

What is l'ascenseur in English
What is 'the road' in French?
la route
What is 'la vue de mer' in English?
sea view