Photo Card

What do I have to do?


  • You have 6 of the 12 minutes preparation time to prepare answers to 3 questions about a photo. Your teacher will then ask you 2 additional questions.
  • At foundation you will talk about the photo for 2 minutes, 3 at higher.
  • The first question will always ask you what is in the black and white photo.
  • You will need to use tenses, opinions and listen carefully to what the question means to help respond.
How many questions will you be asked in total?
How long will you need to speak for?
Your answer should include: 2 mins foundation / 3 mins higher
Can you talk about the colours of the photo?
Explanation: The photo will be in black and white!

How can I get full marks?


  • Answer all the questions
  • Develop your answers
  • Give a range of tenses
  • Use verbs accurately
  • Use complex opinions
  • Develop and explain opinions
  • Talk about what other people do
  • Use narration


Photo Card, figure 1

Steps to success


  • Use 6 minutes of the prep time (approx 1 min 30 per question then 1.30 to predict other questions)
  • The first question is always ‘qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo’?- learn some stock responses to it.
  • You must give reasons and opinions and develop your answers as much as possible
  • Try and give both sides of an argument e.g. positive opinion and then a negative one
  • Use words like ‘eh bien’ to stall the conversation if you need time to think
  • Give descriptions, and complex opinions
  • Spot the different tenses and prepare some verbs in that tense to answer the question
  • Any notes you make can be taken into the exam
  • Once you have worked out what the photo and conversation are about use time to think about all other language you know related to the topic
  • Develop all answers, when describing the photo you can show development by using the following- ‘ils sont en train de’= they are in the middle of +infinitive, ‘ils ont l’air de’/ ‘ils semblent’= they seem.
  • One line answers are not enough- if you give an opinion give the other side of the opinion, give reasons for opinions, talk about what others think.
  • Use opinions and reasons to develop answers and give extra detail by giving examples of things you have done/ like, linked to the idea in the question.
  • Try to vary your language by talking about what other people do/ have done and using a range of tenses.
  • Use connectives to link sentences and narrate as a tool to develop answers (premièrement, puis, finalement).
  • Listen carefully to the question- what tense it is? What person/ people do you need to refer to in your answer?
  • When you are preparing remember you can use the question to help form your answer, just remember to look at the pronoun guide above to help keep it accurate.