Identity & Culture Topic 2 Vocabulary

Key vocabulary learning skills

__Vocabulary learning skills: __

__ __

  1. To try and reduce the number you need to learn, try to use all the tricks you can e.g.

a. “ha ha it sounds like” – Laine = wool = a sheep called Len. (If it makes you laugh it is more likely to work. Our brains are funny like that!)

b. “ooh it reminds me of” – pantalon = a bit like pantaloons = those funny old fashioned trousers in your history books.

  1. At home, do it little and often - lots of breaks because it is boring!

  2. No background noise/music. (Music is good for concentration for most other HW but bad for memorisation HW – it just is. Sorry!)

  3. Learn the meanings first.

Cover up the English

Test yourself: Look – cover – say (the English) – check

Test yourself again: Look – cover – say – check (just ones you got wrong)

When you have 100% correct, move on

  1. Now learn the spellings.

Cover up the French

Test yourself: Look – cover – write (the French) – check

Look – cover – write – check (just the ones you got wrong)

        	When you have 100% correct, have a biscuit! 



Identity & Culture Topic 2 Vocabulary, figure 1

Identity & Culture Topic 2 Vocabulary, figure 2

Identity & Culture Topic 2 Vocabulary, figure 3

Leisure activities


actualités les (f) - news

agneau l’ (m) - lamb

argent l’ (m) - money

assiette l’ (f) - plate/dish

basket le - basketball

beurre le - butter

bière la - beer

billet le - ticket

bœuf le - beef

boire - to drink

boisson la - drink

canard le - duck

la carte - menu

centre sportif le - sports centre

cerise la - cherry

champignon le - mushroom

chanter - to sing

chanteur le/chanteuse la - singer

chanson la - song

cheval le - horse

choisir - to choose

chou le - cabbage

chou-fleur le - cauliflower

citron le - lemon

club des jeunes le - youth club

commander - to order

commencer - to start

confiture la - jam

courir - to run

coûter - to cost

crêpe la - pancake

crudités les (f) - raw chopped vegetables

débuter - to begin

dessin animé le - cartoon

dinde la - turkey

eau (minérale) l’ (f) - (mineral) water

équitation l’ (f) - horse riding

escalade l’ (f) - rock climbing

escargot l’ (m) - snail

essayer - to try

fana de (le) - a fan of

feuilleton le - soap opera

film de guerre le - war film

film policier le - detective film

fraise la - strawberry

framboise la - raspberry

fruits de mer les (m) - seafood

glace la - ice cream

goûter - to taste

haricots verts les (m) - green beans

hors d’œuvre le (m) - starter

s’intéresser à - to be interested in

jambon le - ham

jeu télévisé le - game show

lait le - milk

légumes les (m) - vegetables

natation la - swimming

nourriture la - food

œuf l’ (m) - egg

oignon l’ (m) - onion

passe-temps le - hobby

pâtes les (f) - pasta

patinage à glace le - ice skating

patinoire la - ice rink

payer - to pay (for)

pêche la - fishing/peach

petits pois les (m) - peas

planche à voile la - wind-surfing

plat principal le - main meal/dish

poire la - pear

poisson le - fish

poivre le - pepper

pomme la - apple

pomme de terre la - potato

potage le - soup

poulet le - chicken

piscine la - swimming pool

pourboire le - tip

prendre - to take

promenade la - walk

publicité la - adverts

raisins les (m) - grapes

rencontrer - to meet

repas le - meal

riz le - rice

saucisse la - sausage

saumon le - salmon

sel le - salt

série la - series

serveur le/serveuse la - waiter, waitress

skate le - skateboarding

ski (nautique) le - (water) skiing

sports d’hiver les (m) - winter sports

stade le - stadium

steak haché le - burger

sucre le - sugar

tasse la - cup

télé réalité la - reality television

temps libre le - free time

thé le - tea

thon le - tuna

truite la - trout

vedette la - film star

viande la - meat

voile la - sailing

voir - to see

volley le - volleyball

vouloir - to wish, want

yaourt le - yoghurt