Current & Future Study & Employment

Key vocabulary learning skills

__Vocabulary learning skills: __

__ __

  1. To try and reduce the number you need to learn, try to use all the tricks you can e.g.

a. “ha ha it sounds like” – Laine = wool = a sheep called Len. (If it makes you laugh it is more likely to work. Our brains are funny like that!)

b. “ooh it reminds me of” – pantalon = a bit like pantaloons = those funny old fashioned trousers in your history books.

  1. At home, do it little and often - lots of breaks because it is boring!

  2. No background noise/music. (Music is good for concentration for most other HW but bad for memorisation HW – it just is. Sorry!)

  3. Learn the meanings first.

Cover up the English

Test yourself: Look – cover – say (the English) – check

Test yourself again: Look – cover – say – check (just ones you got wrong)

When you have 100% correct, move on

  1. Now learn the spellings.

Cover up the French

Test yourself: Look – cover – write (the French) – check

Look – cover – write – check (just the ones you got wrong)

       When you have 100% correct, have a biscuit!

My studies


chimie la - chemistry

dessin le - art

EPS l’ (f) - PE (physical education)

français le - French

informatique (l’) (f) - IT (information technology)

instituteur l’ (m) - primary school teacher (male)

institutrice l’ (f) - primary school teacher (female)

langue la - language

matière la - subject

physique la - physics

professeur le - teacher

religion la - religious studies

Life at school and college


apprendre - to learn

calculette la - calculator

collège le - secondary school

comprendre - to understand

cours le - lesson

demander - to ask

devoirs les (m) - homework

difficulté la - difficulty

diplôme le - qualification

directeur le - headmaster

directrice la - headmistress

discuter - to discuss

distribuer - to give out

droit le - right

école l’ (f) (primaire/secondaire) - (primary/secondary) school

élève l’ (m/f) - pupil

emploi du temps l’ (m) - timetable

en seconde - in year 11

études les (f) - study

étudiant l’ (m) - student

examen l’ (m) - examination

faire attention - to pay attention

leçon la - lesson

lecture la - reading

lire - to read

maquillage le - make up

note la - mark

oublier - to forget

passer un examen - to sit an exam

pause la - break, pause

penser - to think

permettre - to allow, permit

porter - to wear, carry

pression la - pressure

récré(ation) la - break

règle la - rule

règlement le - school rules

rentrée la - return to school

répéter - to repeat

réponse la - reply

résultat le - result

réussir un examen - to pass an exam

salle de classe la - classroom

savoir - to know

scolaire - school (adj)

tableau le - board

terrain de sport le - sports ground

trimestre le - term

trouver -to find

Education post-16


année sabbatique l’ (f) - gap year

apprenti(e) l’ (m/f) - apprentice

avoir envie de - to want to

avoir l’intention (de) - to intend (to)

bac(calauréat) le - A-level(s)

en première - in year 12

en terminale - in year 13

étudier - to study

laisser tomber - to drop

liberté la - freedom

lycée le - sixth form college, grammar school

Jobs, career choices and ambitions


agent de police l’ (m) - policeman

avenir l’ (m) - future

boucher le - butcher

boulanger le - baker

boulot le - job

candidat le - candidate

coiffeur le - hairdresser

compter (sur) - to count (on)

employé(e) l’ - employee

employeur l’ - employer

espérer - to hope

facteur le - postman

fermier le - farmer

gagner - to earn, win

idée l’ (f) - idea

infirmier l’ (m) - nurse

informaticien l’ - IT worker

ingénieur l’ (m) - engineer

journal le - newspaper

livre la (sterling) - pound (sterling)

maçon le - builder

mécanicien le - mechanic

mettre de l’argent de côté - to save money

patron le; patronne la - boss

petit job le - part-time job

plombier le - plumber

policier le - policeman

rêve le - dream

rêver - to dream

recevoir - to receive

varié - varied

vétérinaire le - vet