Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest 2

Key vocabulary learning skills

__Vocabulary learning skills: __

  1. To try and reduce the number you need to learn, try to use all the tricks you can e.g.

a. “ha ha it sounds like” – Laine = wool = a sheep called Len. (If it makes you laugh it is more likely to work. Our brains are funny like that!)

b. “ooh it reminds me of” – pantalon = a bit like pantaloons = those funny old fashioned trousers in your history books.

  1. At home, do it little and often - lots of breaks because it is boring!

  2. No background noise/music. (Music is good for concentration for most other HW but bad for memorisation HW – it just is. Sorry!)

  3. Learn the meanings first.

Cover up the English

Test yourself: Look – cover – say (the English) – check

Test yourself again: Look – cover – say – check (just ones you got wrong)

When you have 100% correct, move on

  1. Now learn the spellings.

Cover up the French

Test yourself: Look – cover – write (the French) – check

Look – cover – write – check (just the ones you got wrong)

        	When you have 100% correct, have a biscuit! 

Home and local area vocabulary


Aider - to help

Animé - lively

arbre l’ (m) - tree

armoire l’ (f) - wardrobe

bâtiment le - building

besoin le (avoir….de) - need (to need)

bibliothèque la - library

boucherie la - butcher’s shop

baskets les (f) - trainers

boulangerie la - bakery

bijou le - jewel, jewellery

bijouterie la - jeweller’s shop

blouson le - coat/jacket

bon marché - cheap

bruit le - noise

bureau le - office, study

bruyant - noisy

caisse la - till

calme - quiet

campagne la - countryside

carte bancaire la - bank card

cave la - cellar

ceinture la - belt

célèbre - famous

centre commercial le - shopping centre

champ le - field

chapeau le - hat

charcuterie la - delicatessen

chaussette la - sock

chaussure la - shoe

chemise la - shirt

choix le - choice

chose la - thing

circulation la - traffic

commerces les (m) - shops

colline la - hill

commissariat le - police station

cravate la - tie

cuisine la - kitchen/cooking

déménager - to move house

démodé - old-fashioned

dépenser - to spend (money)

devoir - to have to

économiser - to save

escalier l’ (m) - staircase

essayer - to try on

étage l’ (m) - floor, storey

fenêtre la - window

ferme la - farm

fleur la - flower

gare la - railway station

gare routière la - bus station

gens les (m) - people

gilet le - waistcoat

grand magasin le - department store

gratuit - free (of charge)

habitant l’ (m) - inhabitant

hôtel de ville l’ (m) - town hall

immeuble l’ (m) - block of flats

jardinage le - gardening

jupe la - skirt

laver - to wash

librairie la - bookshop

livrer - to deliver

maison la (individuelle/jumelée/mitoyenne) - house (detached/semi-detached/terraced)

mairie la - town hall

manteau le - overcoat

marché le - market

meubles les (m) - furniture

mode la - fashion

(à la) montagne la - (in the) mountain(s)

mur le - wall

musée le - museum

nettoyer - to clean

pantalon le - trousers

parc le - park

parfum le - perfume

pâtisserie la - cake shop

pauvre - poor

perdre - to lose

pièce la - room

place la - square

portefeuille le - wallet

porte-monnaie le - purse

poser - to put down

poste la - post office

pouvoir - to be able

prix le - price

propre - clean, tidy

pull le - jumper

quartier le - quarter, area

quitter - to leave

ranger - to tidy

réduire - to reduce

réduit - reduced

rez-de-chaussée le - ground floor

risque le - risk

robe la - dress

sale - dirty

salle à manger la - dining room

salle de bains la - bathroom

salon le - living room, lounge

sécurité la - safety

soldes les (m) - sale

sous-sol le - basement

station-service la - service station

tabac le - newsagent’s

transport en commun le - public transport

travailler - to work

se trouver - to be situated

usine l’ (f) - factory

vendeur le/vendeuse la - shop assistant

vendre - to sell

veste la - jacket

vêtements les (m) - clothes

vie la - life

ville la - town

vitrine la - shop window

vivre - to live

voisin le - neighbour

zone piétonne la - pedestrian zone

What is 'le bijou' in English?
Your answer should include: jewel / jewellery
What is 'to clean' in French?
What is 'la zone piétonne' in English?
pedestrian zone