Descriptive Writing: Purpose

Descriptive Writing: Purpose

Understanding Purpose in Descriptive Writing

  • In descriptive writing, the purpose refers to the main reason why you are writing the piece.
  • Purpose should drive your structure, style, and content in any piece of descriptive writing.
  • This can often intersect with the audience and genre you are writing for, as these dictate the expectations and norms you must meet.
  • Common purposes for descriptive writing include entertaining, informing, convincing or exploring a particular idea or setting.

Identifying your Purpose

  • Determining your purpose is one of the first steps in the writing process. It helps you shape your composition from the very beginning.
  • Your purpose should inform every aspect of your piece, from the first sentence to the choice of details to the tone of your conclusion.
  • If you’re ever unsure about a particular word choice, scene, or phrase, ask yourself whether it supports your overall purpose.

Implementing your Purpose in the Structure

  • Structure is one way to realise your purpose in descriptive writing.
  • For example, if your purpose is to entertain, you might use a chronological structure to build tension or suspense.
  • If your purpose is to explore, you might juxtapose different scenes or settings to draw contrasts or highlight differences.

Language and Tone for Purpose

  • Language and tone are important tools for conveying purpose in descriptive writing.
  • Informative pieces may use clear, straightforward language, while persuasive pieces might use emotionally charged language or rhetoric.
  • An entertaining piece might vary language and tone to evoke different emotions, and an exploratory piece might use evocative, sensory language to bring settings or ideas to life.

Adapting to Changes in Purpose

  • Sometimes, as you write, your purpose might evolve or shift. This is a normal part of the writing process and should be embraced rather than avoided.
  • If this happens, revisit the rest of your piece to ensure it aligns with your new purpose. You might need to revise some parts for consistency.
  • Always remember: a clear, single-minded purpose makes for strong, effective descriptive writing.