19th Century Texts

Understanding 19th Century Texts

Reading 19th Century Texts

  • Language used in the 19th century differs significantly from contemporary English, so it is important to have a good grasp of complex sentence structures and archaic vocabulary.
  • 19th-century texts may contain historical context or references which might seem obscure to today’s readers. Use reference resources to help understand these references.
  • 19th-century literature often explores social themes of its time, understanding these themes can help to deepen your interpretation.

Analyzing Character and Narrative

  • Characters in 19th-century texts are often used to represent societal roles or class divisions of the time. Be on the outlook for these representations when analyzing characters.
  • The social status of characters is often more explicitly detailed, this can include their manners, habits, clothing or speech.
  • Pay attention to the narrator’s perspective, it can give critical insight into the author’s aim or purpose.

Interpreting Symbolism and Themes

  • Be attentive to religious, social, and moral themes. These were popular in 19th-century literature and understanding them can enhance your interpretation of the texts.
  • Look for symbolism. Many 19th-century writers used symbols to represent abstract ideas or notions.
  • Pay attention to descriptions of settings. They often hold symbolic significance and can provide context about the characters and their social status.

Understanding Historical Context

  • 19th-century literature often confronts political and societal changes such as the Industrial Revolution, colonialism, or civil rights movements. A brief understanding of these events can aid in comprehending the text.
  • Consider the historical constraints on the author, such as censorship laws or societal norms which could have influenced the text’s content or message.
  • Remember that much of 19th-century literature, especially novels, was originally published in serial form. This episodic publication method would often affect the pacing and structure of these texts.

By deeply understanding the social, historical, and literary context of 19th-century texts, your analysis and appreciation of these works can be greatly enriched.