Newspaper Article: Purpose

Newspaper Article: Purpose


  • A newspaper article, by definition, is a piece of writing that reports news events or subjects of interest. It contains factual information and offers a perspective on the topic.

  • The main purpose of a newspaper article can be to inform, persuade, entertain or create a debate around a particular issue. The writer should be clear about the main objective before beginning to write.


  • When written to inform, the article will contain a detailed account of an event or topic, along with facts, statistics or expert opinions. The intention is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand.

  • It’s important to maintain a neutral tone and avoid personal opinions when writing to inform. The focus should be on presenting the facts in a clear, concise manner.

  • Remember to put the most important facts in the first few lines to grab the reader’s attention and ensure any quick readers get the key information. This style of writing is known as the inverse pyramid strategy.


  • If the goal is to persuade, the article will still contain factual information but will likely use this information to make an argument or persuade readers to a particular viewpoint.

  • Use persuasive language and tone to convince readers. Utilise logic, examples or expert opinions as tools of persuasion.

  • Acknowledging counter arguments and refuting them can further bolster your viewpoint.


  • Entertaining newspaper articles often involve human interest stories, personal experiences or features that aim to amuse or captivate the reader.

  • Utilise a storytelling style, creative descriptions, personal anecdotes or humour to provide an engaging read.

  • Though they may seem more relaxed, even entertaining articles should maintain accuracy, structure and grammatical correctness.

Encourage Debate

  • Some articles aim to foster discussion or debate among readers about a particular topic.

  • In this case, you need to present multiple viewpoints somewhat objectively, even though you may have a preferred perspective. This allows readers to form their own opinion.

  • Always end such articles with open-ended questions or thought-provoking statements to spark the readers’ interest in participating in the debate.

Whether your newspaper article seeks to inform, persuade, entertain, or spark a debate, always remember the basic principles of good journalistic writing: accuracy, clarity, conciseness, and maintaining reader interest.