Writing to Persuade: Form, Tone, Register

Writing to Persuade: Form, Tone, Register

Writing to Persuade


  • Form in persuasive writing can vary from speeches, articles, letters to editorials. The chosen form should fit the task at hand and serve the persuasive purpose best.
  • Structure your writing logically, starting with an engaging introduction, clearly articulated arguments in the body and a strong, impactful conclusion.
  • Make use of rhetorical devices such as rhetorical questions, repetition, and tripling as they can enhance persuasion.
  • Support your arguments with evidence - facts, statistics, anecdotal examples, etc. to substantiate your claims and make them more persuasive.
  • Effective paragraphing can be employed to separate different points and maintain a coherent flow.


  • Tone in persuasive writing should demonstrate conviction, passion and a clear stance on the subject. The tone can be assertive, emotive, impassioned, or urgent depending on the topic and objective.
  • Remain consistent with your tone to avoid confusing the reader and undermining your arguments.
  • Though persuasive writing necessitates taking a position, ensure to maintain respect and avoid inflammatory or derogatory language. This establishes your credibility and roots your persuasion in logic rather than emotion alone.


  • The register in persuasive writing should mirror the audience’s expectations and the formality of the context.
  • A formal register demands sophisticated vocabulary, complex sentence structures, and refraining from using slang or colloquial expressions.
  • An informal register can be conversational and emotive, making use of contractions, idioms, and colloquial language to resonate more with the reader.
  • Regardless of the chosen register, maintain impeccable grammar and spelling. Errors can detract from the persuasiveness of your writing.
  • Remember to adhere to the register consistently throughout your piece, striking a balance between being relatable and maintaining credibility and authority.

Bear these points in mind when practising to enhance your persuasive writing abilities. The goal is to make your arguments compelling, logical, and credible, persuading your reader to align with your viewpoint.