Baby Equipment (0-12 Months): Age-Appropriateness

Baby Equipment (0-12 Months): Age-Appropriateness

Feeding Equipment: Age-Appropriate for Babies (0-12 Months)

  • Bottles and teats should be used for feeding babies who are not breastfeeding. Select a teat with the appropriate flow for the baby’s age.
  • Infant formula is essential if you are not breastfeeding. Always choose an age-appropriate formula, observing the instructions for preparation carefully.
  • During early weaning stages (around 6 months), a baby high-chair and weaning spoons are needed. A high-chair should have safety features like straps and a tray.
  • Sippy cups can start to be introduced around 6 months. As weaning progresses, these can be used more frequently to encourage self-feeding.

Sleeping Equipment: Age-Appropriate for Babies (0-12 Months)

  • For the first 6 months, the safest place for a baby to sleep is in a Moses basket or a cot in the same room as a parent or caregiver.
  • Suitable bedding includes a firm mattress that fits the cot snugly, a waterproof mattress cover, and a light sheet or blanket. Do not use pillows, duvets or cot bumpers for babies under 12 months as they are a suffocation hazard.
  • A baby monitor can provide reassurance when the baby is sleeping in a different room from parents or caregivers.

Travel Equipment: Age-Appropriate for Babies (0-12 Months)

  • A rear-facing car seat is essential for all car journeys. It should be suitable for the baby’s weight and height, following manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • For walks and outings, a pram or pushchair that reclines completely is necessary until the baby can sit up confidently.
  • A sling or baby carrier can also be used for short trips or at home. Always ensure it provides sufficient support for the baby’s back and neck.

Entertainment and Learning Equipment: Age-Appropriate for Babies (0-12 Months)

  • Toys for this age group should be soft, easy to grasp, and free of small parts to prevent choking. They should stimulate the senses with bright colours, varied textures or sounds.
  • Consider musical mobiles or cot toys, these should be positioned out of the baby’s reach to avoid a risk of entanglement.
  • As the baby grows, provide age-appropriate books with large pictures or textures. These can promote interactive play and early language learning.

Safety Considerations for Baby Equipment

  • Regularly inspect all equipment for wear and tear, fixing or replacing any items that become broken or unsafe.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for all baby equipment to ensure safe usage.
  • Always supervise the use of baby equipment to prevent accidents.