Preparing a Child for a Hospital Stay

Preparing a Child for a Hospital Stay

Understanding the Reasons

  • Identify the reason for the hospital stay to the child in a simple, age-appropriate way.
  • Clear explanations can help the child understand the necessity and steps involved in their hospital stay.
  • Assure the child that the hospital staff are there to help and aim to make them feel better.

Creating a Positive Attitude

  • Highlight positive aspects, for instance, little discomfort during the treatment or the hospital’s child-friendly facilities.
  • Discuss the hospital stay as a brave adventure, utilising storytelling methods to ease apprehension.

Visiting the Hospital Prior to the Stay

  • Plan a pre-visit to the hospital to familiarise the child with the environment and eliminate any fear of the unknown.
  • During the visit, point out the play areas and friendly hospital staff, focusing on creating a comfortable setting.

Packing Favourite Items

  • Encourage the child to select favourite items to take along, such as toys, comfort blankets, or photos. The familiarity of these items can provide solace.

Explaining the Medical Procedures

  • Using age-appropriate language, explain the procedures the child will undergo. Dolls or teddy bears can be used to demonstrate medical procedures.
  • Awareness can help reduce anxiety, as the child knows what to expect.

Discussing Hospital Routines

  • Educate the child about the typical daily routine in the hospital, including mealtimes and visiting hours.
  • Explain that doctors and nurses will be checking on them regularly.

Ensuring Continuity

  • Ensure that the child’s daily practices continue as much as possible, such as brushing teeth, reading a bedtime story, or other routines.
  • This continuity provides security and comfort.

Reassuring Emotional Support

  • Reassure the child that a parent or carer will be with them where possible during their stay.
  • Maintain regular contact with family members and close friends through phone calls or video chats to make the child feel connected and supported.

Post-Hospital Care

  • Discuss the care and rest that will be needed post-hospital stay and the gradual return to normal activities.

By preparing the child appropriately for a hospital stay, the overall experience can be less intimidating and stressful for them, empowering resilience and positive coping strategies. Furthermore, this proactive preparation encourages the child’s cooperation, aiding in a smoother and quicker recovery process.