Openings and Endings

  • Openings and endings are crucial to any effective piece of writing. The opening of a piece should draw in the reader, while the ending should provide closure and leave a lasting impression.
  • An effective opening aims to immediately engage the reader’s interest. This can be achieved through a variety of methods such as starting in the middle of an action (in medias res), posing a thrilling question, or painting a vivid image.
  • You should aim to establish the tone and mood of your piece from the very beginning. This will give the reader a clear sense of what to expect as they continue.
  • The ending of your piece should reflect or connect to the opening in someway to create a sense of full circle. However, this doesn’t mean it has to perfectly mirror the start – some of the most effective endings manage to surprise the reader whilst still feeling inevitable.
  • The ending might reveal the resolution to a problem or conflict introduced in the opening, or it might leave the reader with a thought-provoking question or powerful image to ponder.
  • The final sentences of your piece are your last chance to impact your reader. Consider your choice of words carefully to ensure they are powerful and effectual.
  • Both the opening and the ending of your text need to be coherent and consistent with the overall style and content of your work.
  • Remember to revise over different techniques that authors use to create impactful openings and endings and try to incorporate these methods in your own writing.
  • Practice is key in mastering the art of effective openings and endings. Constantly explore different ways to start and conclude your writing. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you.