19th Century Texts

19th Century Texts

  • The 19th Century marked a period of significant transformation in literature, becoming increasingly focused on realism, the psychological depth of characters and societal issues.
  • Prose fiction of this era often depicted scenes of everyday life and sought to paint a vivid picture of social reforms, industrialisation, and urbanisation.
  • In novels such as “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, there is a strong focus on social etiquette, marriage, relationships and social status, reflecting the cultural values of the time.
  • Gothic fiction became popular in this period, with authors like Mary Shelley (“Frankenstein”) exploring themes of horror, death and the supernatural.
  • Charles Dickens, one of the most notable writers of this period, used his novels to draw attention to social problems and to advocate for reform. His works, such as “Oliver Twist” and “A Tale of Two Cities,” are characterised by detailed descriptions, memorable characters and socio-political commentary.
  • Many 19th Century texts utilise a formal and sophisticated style of language, unlike most modern English. This can contribute to a challenging but rewarding reading experience.
  • Understanding the historical context of 19th Century texts enhances comprehension. Key historical events, such as the Industrial Revolution, the Reform Acts, and Victorian values, can influence the plots, themes, and characterisation in these texts.
  • Recognising narrative techniques, like the use of first or third-person perspective, foreshadowing, flashback, irony, and symbolism will be important in analysing 19th Century novels.
  • Literature evolved substantially throughout the 19th Century. Early works were rooted in romanticism, while later texts moved towards realism and naturalism. Recognising these shifts will aid in understanding and interpreting texts from different points in the century.
  • The use of satire to critique societal norms and institutions can be crucial to understanding the author’s intention and the messages conveyed in the texts.

Remember, the key to excelling in Reading: Understanding Fiction is effective comprehension, insightful interpretation and clear articulation of ideas and perspectives. By developing these skills through regular practice, you will be well-equipped to tackle any 19th Century text that comes your way.