Travel Writing: Form

Travel Writing: Form

  • Travel writing is a style of creative non-fiction that provides detailed information about a specific location or journey.
  • The form of travel writing can be diverse. It can take the shape of a blog, guidebook, newspaper or magazine article, personal essay, or even a novel.
  • Traditionally, travel writing incorporates a narrative structure that describes the writer’s journey, but other forms can also include practical information – such as guides or reviews.
  • Descriptive language is key to this form. It captures the sense of place, presenting readers with vivid scenery, cultural nuances, and the atmosphere of the location.
  • The narrative voice in travel writing often features the writer’s personal experiences, reflections, or observations. This makes the piece more engaging and relatable to readers.
  • When crafting a piece of travel writing, outlining the location’s history, cultural background, local traditions, and notable landmarks could help add depth and context.
  • Dialogue may be used, involving interactions with locals or fellow travellers. This can provide insight into the area’s culture and atmosphere.
  • Although largely factual, a piece of travel writing can also allow for opinion. Reviews or recommendations are often included to guide or encourage readers.
  • Finally, it’s beneficial to research the destination thoroughly. Accurate details lend credibility to the story, enhancing the reader’s trust in the writer’s authority on the subject.