Aftercare advice for clients

Aftercare Advice for Clients After Aromatherapy

1. Hydration

  • Encourage clients to drink plenty of water after treatments to help the body process the essential oils and to carry away toxins that are being eliminated as a result of the treatment.
  • Avoid consumption of caffeinated beverages immediately following a treatment, as caffeine can interfere with the body’s absorption and processing of the essential oils.

2. Rest

  • Emphasise the importance of rest following an aromatherapy treatment. Encourage clients to avoid strenuous activities and to ensure they have a good night’s sleep.
  • Suggest that clients take time to relax and continue their rest after the treatment for a few hours.

3. Bathing and Showering

  • Advise clients to avoid bathing or showering immediately after treatment. Essential oils need time to be absorbed into the skin properly.
  • If bathing or showering is necessary, recommend waiting for at least two hours post-treatment.

4. Skincare Routine

  • Encourage clients to continue with their regular skincare routine, but avoid using harsh products for a day or two as these may irritate the skin post-treatment.
  • Recommend using gentle products that will not strip away essential oils applied during the session.

5. Diet

  • Provide guidance on a healthy diet, rich in antioxidants, to promote overall health and well-being. Eating antioxidant-rich foods can assist the body in processing and eliminating toxins.
  • Recommend avoiding alcohol for at least 24 hours post-treatment. Like caffeine, alcohol can interfere with the body’s absorption and detox processes.

6. Awareness to Body’s Reaction

  • Inform clients that they may experience detox symptoms such as headaches or nausea after treatment. This is a sign that their body is getting rid of toxins.
  • Advise clients to monitor their body’s reactions and to seek medical advice if symptoms persist or if they experience any adverse reactions.

7. Treatment Frequency

  • Remind clients that regular treatments can lead to greater benefits. Encourage them to book future sessions and establish a regular routine for optimum results.

8. Essential Oil Aftercare

  • Lastly, recommend clients to make use of essential oils at home for continuous benefits. Instruct them on how to use these oils properly - through a diffuser, massage, or adding them to their bath. Be sure to remind them to dilute the oils accordingly.
  • Remind them that, like the oils used in your treatments, these should be of the highest quality. Encourage them to consult with you if they have queries on which oils to use and how to use them. Experience of benefits may vary based on the individual and the oils used.