Aftercare advice for clients

Aftercare advice for clients

Aftercare Advice for Eye Treatments

General Advice

  • Eye comfort and hygiene: Clients should avoid touching or rubbing their eyes immediately after a treatment. Keeping hands clean and being gentle to eye area can prevent infection and irritation.

  • Makeup: Discourage clients from applying eye makeup for at least 24-hour post treatment as it can interfere with the treatment result and potentially lead to irritation.

  • Water and steam exposure: Advise clients to avoid wetting the eye area, including showers, saunas, and swimming pools, for 24-48 hours after the treatment to ensure longevity of the result.

Specific Advice based on Eye Treatments

Eyelash Extensions Aftercare

  • Lash care: Clients should not pull or pick at their eyelashes as it can damage the extensions and even their natural lashes.

  • Cleaning: Advise using a gentle, oil-free cleanser to clean the eye area and remove any makeup as oil-based products can degrade the adhesive used for the extensions.

  • Maintenance: Inform the clients about regular infills to keep the lashes looking fresh and full, due to the natural lash shedding cycle.

Eyelash Perming Aftercare

  • Avoid lash curlers: Inform clients that they should not use eyelash curlers after the treatment as it can weaken the lashes and compromise the curl.

  • Oil-based products: Clients should avoid oil-based eye products as they can reduce the lifespan of the perm.

  • Regular treatments: For sustained results, inform clients about the need for regular treatments, typically every 6-8 weeks.

Above all, ensure the clients that their satisfaction and safety are the top priority, and encourage them to contact the beauty therapist if they have any concerns or adverse reactions following the treatment.