Aftercare advice for clients

Aftercare advice for clients

Aftercare Advice for Electrical Body Treatments

Hydration and Diet

  • Hydration is key after electrical body treatments, so clients are advised to drink plenty of water to replenish moisture and aid lymphatic drainage.
  • Clients should refrain from consuming alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours as they can dehydrate the body and hinder the benefits of the treatment.
  • Encourage a nutritionally-balanced diet to complement the effects of treatments, with emphasis on consuming fruits, vegetables, and protein sources for skin health.

Skin Care

  • SPF is a must-follow step as body electrical treatments can make the skin more sensitive. Ensure clients continue with daily application of SPF products to protect the skin.
  • Clients should avoid applying makeup or heavy creams for at least 24 hours as this could irritate the skin.
  • Recommend a quality moisturiser that suits their skin type to keep their skin hydrated and nourished.

Physical Activity and Heat Exposure

  • Clients should avoid heat treatments, such as saunas or hot baths, for 48 hours after the therapy as these could trigger inflammation or discomfort.
  • Similarly, strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least 24 hours as it may incite perspiration, potentially stirring irritation on the treated skin.
  • Remind clients to avoid direct sun exposure and opt to stay in cool, shaded areas to prevent skin damage or discomfort.

Follow-up Procedures

  • All clients should be encouraged for a follow-up appointment, as it aids in monitoring the progress and managing the treatment plan effectively.
  • Clients are advised to strictly follow the treatment schedule for achieving optimal results.
  • Recommend clients to maintain good skin care routine at home to prolong the benefits of the body electrical treatments.

Through comprehensive aftercare advice, clients can help maximise the results of their treatment while also ensuring their safety and comfort during the recovery process.