Eyebrow shaping and trimming (manual and electrical)

Eyebrow shaping and trimming (manual and electrical)

Eyebrow Shaping and Trimming: Manual Techniques

  • Analysis of eyebrow shape: Start your consultation by assessing the client’s natural eyebrow shape. Consider factors such as the client’s facial structure, desired look and natural growth pattern.

  • Marking the shape: Use a white pencil to mark the start point, arch point and end point. This will act as a guide and create an outline for the desired eyebrow shape.

  • Tweezing: Tweezers are used to remove unwanted hair by pulling them out from the root. Always pull in the direction of hair growth.

  • Trimming: Use scissors to trim long eyebrow hairs that may interfere with the desired shape.

  • Final touches: Brush the eyebrows up and down to double check the uniformity of the shape. Remove any leftover hairs identified during the process.

Eyebrow Shaping and Trimming: Electrical Techniques

  • Electric trimmer: This is ideal for clients with thick eyebrows. They come with different sized heads to suit the client’s eyebrow thickness and to create the desired shape.

  • Precision: The electric trimmer needs to be used delicately, and in the right direction to avoid nicks and cuts.

  • Adjusting length: These tools offer the option to adjust the eyebrow length with different settings. Always start with a higher setting and decrease if necessary to avoid removing too much hair.

  • Final touches: Like with manual shaping, brush the eyebrows up and down to ensure the uniformity of the shape. Use tweezers to remove any leftover hairs identified during the process.

Safety Precautions and Aftercare Advice

  • Hygiene measures: Sterilize all traditional and electrical tools before and after use to prevent any infections.

  • Client discomfort: If a client experiences discomfort during the shaping process, pause and apply a cool compress.

  • Aftercare advice: Guide your clients on how to maintain their new eyebrow shape. This includes avoiding touching the area immediately after shaping, using soothing eyebrow gels, and advising them on when their next appointment should be.

Remember, both manual and electrical techniques require patience, precision and skill. Each client is unique, so keep communication open to ensure client satisfaction. By creating a personalized experience, both you and your client will be pleased with the end results.