Effect of age on voting

Effect of age on voting

Age Influence on Voting

  • Younger people (18-24 years) are statistically less likely to vote than older groups. This is often attributed to political apathy, a lack of political knowledge or understanding, or a belief that their vote will not make a difference.

  • Middle-aged people (25-64 years) have a moderate turnout. Many in this group are homeowners and/or have families, and are therefore likely to be interested in policies that directly affect these areas. Mortgage and tax rates, educational policies and the state of the job market are key issues.

  • Older people (65+ years) have the highest voter turnout. It can be suggested that this is because they have more time and because issues such as pensions, healthcare and social services are of direct importance. Additionally, those in this age group generally have strong political affiliations that have been formed and strengthened over time.

  • Generational effect: the idea that certain critical events (such as wars, depressions or booms) that happen at a key stage in people’s lives can create a cohort that is permanently different from others. This may influence their voting habits through their life.

  • Ageing effect: as people age, their political attitudes may change. Elements such as gaining new responsibilities, starting a family or buying a home may move people from left to right on the political spectrum.

  • It’s also crucial to remember that age demographics can influence party policy. A party is likely to tailor their policies to appeal to the age groups most likely to vote. This may result in a huge focus on issues important to older voters, such as pensions and healthcare provision.