Executive Office of the President

The Executive Office of the President

  • The Executive Office of the President (EOP): This is a grouping of various agencies designed to support the work of the president. This body was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 to help manage his duties.

  • The Role of the EOP: The EOP assists the president in handling matters of policy, politics, and administration within the White House. It provides the primary support structure for the president to implement their policies, personnel and legislative goals.

  • Staff: The EOP comprises of around 2000 personnel, overseen by the White House Chief of Staff.

Key Agencies within the EOP

  • White House Office (WHO): This is the heart of the EOP, where the president’s closest and most influential advisors work.

  • National Security Council (NSC): Formed to advise and assist the president on national security and foreign policy matters. The NSC includes members such as the Vice President and the Secretary of State.

  • Office of Management and Budget (OMB): This agency is responsible for preparing the federal budget, which the president presents to Congress. It also oversees performance of federal agencies.

  • Council of Economic Advisors (CEA): This body is tasked with providing expert economic advice to the president.

  • Office of the Vice President: This office provides support and advice to the vice president, particularly in their capacity as the president of the Senate.

Remember, understanding the functions and roles of the bodies within the Executive Office of the President is essential in evaluating how the presidency functions and the support structures in place in the White House. The White House Office, National Security Council, Office of Management and Budget, and Council of Economic Advisors are all critical to the operation of the EOP.