
  • Understand different ways to talk about relationships, such as family ties (padres, hermanos, tías, tíos), romantic partnerships (novio, novia) and friendships (amigos, mejor amigo).

  • Learn to describe relationship statuses and changes: soltero (single), casado (married), divorciado (divorced), viudo (widowed).

  • Study various vocabulary to describe characteristics of relationships, both positive and negative: amoroso (loving), cariñoso (caring), gratificante (rewarding), desafiante (challenging), complicado (complicated), conflictivo (conflict-ridden).

  • Practice illustrating relationships using basic sentences: “Ella es mi madre” (She is my mother), “Tenemos una relación fuerte” (We have a strong relationship), “No nos llevamos bien” (We don’t get along well).

  • Be familiar with expressing feelings/ emotions related to relationships: “Quiero a mi hermano” (I love my brother), “Estoy enfadado con mi amigo” (I’m angry with my friend), “Estoy emocionado por la boda de mi tío” (I’m excited for my uncle’s wedding).

  • Learn to discuss activities you do with others: “Juego al fútbol con mis primos” (I play football with my cousins), “Voy al cine con mi novia” (I go to the cinema with my girlfriend).

  • Get used to talking about significant events in relationships: “Mis padres se casaron en 1990” (My parents got married in 1990), “Mis abuelos celebraron sus bodas de oro el año pasado” (My grandparents celebrated their golden anniversary last year).

Remember, practise makes perfect. Regular revision of vocabulary and grammar rules, as well as engaging in conversation practise, can significantly improve your confidence and proficiency in discussing relationships in Spanish.