Education Post-16

Education Post-16

  • Understanding the Spanish educational system: Post-16 education in Spain is optional and is typically referred to as Bachillerato. This is equivalent to A-Levels in the UK and lasts for two years.

  • Vocabulary associated with post-16 education: familiarise yourself with terms like “Bachillerato” (A-Levels), “Escuela” (school), “Universidad” (university), “Profesor” (teacher), “Estudiar” (to study), “Asignatura” (subject), “Examen” (exam) and “Carrera” (career).

  • Discussing choices for further education: Practice expressing preference, future plans and making justified decisions in Spanish. For example, you could say, “Voy a ir a la universidad para estudiar medicina porque quiero ser médico” (I’m going to university to study medicine because I want to be a doctor).

  • Being aware of common conversational topics: Be prepared to discuss reasons for choosing a university or subject, or for not wanting to study further. Also, remember to discuss the importance of education and what subjects you enjoy or dislike.

  • Expressing opinion and discussing experiences: You might be asked about your own education and career plans. Be ready to express your thoughts on various careers, and why they interest you or do not.

  • Using the conditional tense: Often, discussions about future study and employment involve hypothetical situations. Understanding how to conjugate and use verbs in the conditional tense will help you communicate more complex thoughts.

  • Verb conjugation: Revise how to conjugate important verbs such as “quedar” (to remain), “elegir” (to choose), “preferir” (to prefer), “aprender” (to learn), and “trabajar” (to work).

Remember, practise makes perfect. Regularly listening to, speaking, reading and writing Spanish will help you internalise these aspects of the language. Engage with Spanish media, try workbook exercises and communicate in Spanish as much as possible. Good luck with your revision!