Social Media

  • Social media integrates daily communication and leisure activities in Spain and Latin American countries. Utilize concepts and specific applications for apps that are used in Spain, such as Facebook (Facebook), Instagram (Instagram), and Twitter (Twitter).

  • Remember the vocabulary about social media and technology in Spanish. Here are some basics: social media (los medios sociales), phone (el móvil), to download (descargar), to upload (subir), post (la publicación), likes (los me gusta), followers (los seguidores).

  • Understand the essential verbs related to social media like: to share (compartir), to post (publicar), to comment (comentar), to upload (subir), to surf (navegar), to download (descargar).

  • In relation to daily life, be able to describe how people use social media and technology in Spain for everyday activities: shopping, booking tickets, checking restaurant reviews, keeping in touch with family and friends, following celebrity news, etc.

  • Highlight the pros and cons of social media use. Discuss various topics like cyberbullying (ciberacoso), fake news (noticias falsas), digital dependency (dependencia digital), and privacy concerns (preocupaciones de privacidad) versus communication benefits, instant information access, etc.

  • Expand on the ethical implications of social media usage. This can include topics like Internet security, digital footprints, and the spread of misinformation.

  • Incorporate strategic phrases or opinions in Spanish about social media use in the daily life, for example, “Creo que las redes sociales son útiles para mantenerse conectado con amigos y familiares, pero es importante tener cuidado con la seguridad en Internet.”

  • Finally, cultural comparison can also earn you extra marks. Drawing comparisons between Spanish and British individuals’ social media usage or attitudes towards it can make your answer more comprehensive and engaging.