
  1. Vocabulary: Familiarize yourself with a wide range of vocabulary related to sports, both the names of sports and phrases that are commonly used when talking about them.
    • El fútbol (football)
    • El baloncesto (basketball)
    • La natación (swimming)
    • Hacer ejercicio (to exercise)
    • Entrenar (to train)
    • Jugar un partido (to play a match)
  2. Verbs: Be aware of the verbs that are commonly associated with participating in sports, as well as the correct conjugations.
    • Jugar (to play)
    • Practicar (to practise)
    • Ganar (to win)
    • Perder (to lose)
    • Competir (to compete)
  3. Sentences: Know how to construct sentences about participating in sports, including using the correct past, present and future tenses.
    • “Yo juego al baloncesto todos los fines de semana.” (I play basketball every weekend.)
    • “Ella ganó el partido de tenis la semana pasada.” (She won the tennis match last week.)
    • “Vamos a competir en un torneo de fútbol el próximo mes.” (We are going to compete in a football tournament next month.)
  4. Opinions: Be prepared to express your opinions about different sports, including whether you like them, if you think they are important, or your thoughts on a particular match.
    • “Me gusta jugar al fútbol porque es divertido y una buena forma de hacer ejercicio.” (I like to play football because it is fun and a good way to exercise.)
    • “Creo que es importante jugar a un deporte para mantenerse sano.” (I think it is important to play a sport to stay healthy.)
    • “El partido de baloncesto fue emocionante, aunque mi equipo perdió.” (The basketball match was exciting, even though my team lost.)
  5. Cultural literature: Familiarize yourself with any noted Spanish or Latin-American athletes, and have the capability to provide a brief description about their contribution or achievements.
    • “Rafael Nadal es un famoso tenista español que ha ganado varios torneos Grand Slam.” (Rafael Nadal is a famous Spanish tennis player who has won several Grand Slam tournaments.)
  6. Grammar: Use various tenses and structures in your answers to demonstrate your grammatical range. This might include using reflexive verbs, like “entrenarse”, “divertirse”, or using more complex structures, like the subjunctive, when expressing opinions, “Es importante que los jóvenes se mantengan activos.” (It’s important that young people stay active.)