
Key Topic: Technology

• Understand the differences between the verbs ‘usar’ (to use) and ‘utilizar’ (to utilise). For example: ‘Yo uso mi móvil para mandar mensajes’ (I use my mobile to send messages) and ‘Ella utiliza el ordenador para buscar información’ (She utilises the computer to search for information).

• Practice the vocabulary for the most common electronic devices: ‘el móvil’ (mobile), ‘el ordenador’ (computer), ‘la tablet’ (tablet), ‘la televisión’ (television), etc.

• Be able to discuss the pros and cons of using technology. For instance: ‘La tecnología puede ser útil pero también peligrosa’ (Technology can be useful but also dangerous) or ‘El uso excesivo del móvil puede causar adicción’ (Excessive use of mobile can cause addiction).

• Learn how to describe internet safety: ‘Es importante proteger nuestras contraseñas’ (it’s important to protect our passwords), ‘No debemos compartir información personal en línea’ (we shouldn’t share personal information online).

• Memorize the Spanish equivalents of phrases that are relevant to technology, such as: ‘descargar música’ (to download music), ‘subir fotos’ (to upload photos), ‘navegar por internet’ (to surf the internet), ‘enviar un correo electrónico’ (to send an email).

• Understand how to express frequency of technology use: ‘siempre’ (always), ‘nunca’ (never), ‘a veces’ (sometimes), ‘a menudo’ (often). For instance: ‘Mi hermano siempre está en su móvil’ (My brother is always on his mobile).

• Learn vocabulary for discussing the impact of technology on daily life: ‘la comunicación’ (communication), ‘la educación’ (education), ‘las compras’ (shopping), ‘el entretenimiento’ (entertainment).

• Feel comfortable discussing modern issues around technology such as ‘el ciberacoso’ (cyberbullying), ‘la dependencia tecnológica’ (tech dependence), ‘la privacidad en línea’ (online privacy).

Remember: Practice is key! Repeat vocabulary aloud, write sentences using new words, and test yourself regularly to help retain these Spanish terms and phrases.