Style and Fashion

Style and Fashion

Spanish Vocabulary - Key words:

  1. La moda - Fashion
  2. Los estilos - Styles
  3. Vistoso - Flashy
  4. Clásico - Classic
  5. Moderno - Modern
  6. Ropa - Clothes
  7. Conjunto - Outfit
  8. Zapatos - Shoes
  9. Accesorios - Accessories
  10. Vestido - Dress
  11. Pantalones - Trousers
  12. Camiseta - T-Shirt
  13. Bolsa - Bag
  14. Joyas - Jewellery
  15. Gafas de sol - Sunglasses
  16. Pulsera - Bracelet
  17. Collar - Necklace
  18. Anillo - Ring
  19. Gorro - Hat

Useful Phrases:

  1. Me gusta el estilo… - I like the style…
  2. Prefiero la moda… - I prefer the fashion…
  3. Siempre llevo… - I always wear…
  4. Me encantan los zapatos de… - I love the shoes of…
  5. Mi conjunto favorito es… - My favourite outfit is…
  6. Mi accesorio preferido es… - My favourite accessory is…
  7. Los colores que mejor me quedan son… - The colours that suit me best are…
  8. Creo que la moda es… - I think fashion is…
  9. En mi tiempo libre, me gusta… - In my free time, I like to…
  10. Cada estación, cambia mi estilo… - Each season I change my style…

Important Grammar Notes:

  1. Note the genders: “los zapatos” (masculine plural), “la moda” (feminine singular).
  2. Remember the correct use of adjectives and their endings. Most Spanish adjectives need to agree with the noun they describe in terms of gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural).
  3. Remember to use the correct verb forms: “me gusta”, “me encanta”, “prefiero”.
  4. Use a variety of tenses, including present, preterite, imperfect, and future, to talk about your fashion habits and tastes. For example: “Siempre llevo jeans los fines de semana” (I always wear jeans on weekends), “Ayer me compré un nuevo vestido” (Yesterday I bought a new dress), and “El año que viene, vestiré más colores vibrantes” (Next year, I will wear more vibrant colours).