Words to say how much

Words to say how much

  • To express “a lot” in Spanish, use the word “mucho”. This word should match in number and gender with the noun it’s describing. Eg: “Mucho vino” (a lot of wine) or “Muchas manzanas” (a lot of apples).

  • “Poco” is used to refer to “a little”. This word also needs to match in number and gender. Eg: “Poco tiempo” (Little time) or “Pocas personas” (Few people)

  • “Todo” means “all” or “every”. It can be used to refer to all of something specific. Eg: “Todo el pan” (All the bread).

  • “Algo” means “some” or “something”. It can be used to express an undefined quantity. Eg: “Algo de comida” (Some food).

  • “Nada” is used for “nothing”, usually used in negative sentences. Eg: “No tengo nada” (I have nothing).

  • “Bastante” can be used as “quite a bit”. It shows more quantity than “alguno” but less than “mucho”. Eg: “Tengo bastante tiempo” (I have quite a bit of time).

  • “Demasiado” translates to “too much”. Use this word when an excessive amount is meant. Eg: “Es demasiado caro” (It’s too expensive).

  • “Varios/as” is used to express “several”. Like many others, it should also match in gender and plurality with the noun. Eg: “Varias veces” (several times)

  • “Un montón” is a colloquial expression used to say “a lot”. Eg: “Tengo un monton de libros” (I have a lot of books).

  • The phrase “Tanto como” is used to express “as much as”. It can help in comparing quantities. Eg: “No estudio tanto como tú” (I do not study as much as you).

Remember, many of these words adapt to the gender and number of the nouns they describe, so it’s essential to be aware of the masculine, feminine, singular and plural forms.