Worsening relations with England

Worsening relations with England

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Reasons for Worsening Relations

  • Religious Differences: Despite both countries being largely Protestant, the Church of England and the Church of Scotland had distinctive structures and traditions. The threat of Anglican imposition on Presbyterian Scots drove a wedge between the two nations.
  • Political Differences: The idea of a single, unified British Parliament was viewed by many in Scotland as a direct threat to the sovereignty of the Scottish Parliament. This proved to be a serious barrier to union.
  • Trade and Economic Competition: Scotland felt marginalised by the economic success of England and by the oppressive Navigation Acts which restricted Scottish access to colonial trade. This heightened tension and caused resentment.

Specific Events that Led to Deterioration

  • Darien Scheme: The failure of this Scottish colonial venture in Central America almost bankrupted Scotland and led to widespread economic and social distress. The project had been blocked by the English, worsening relations further.
  • Act of Security, 1704: This Scottish law provided for the Scottish Parliament to choose a different monarch to England if it wished, unsettling the shared monarchy and intensifying friction.
  • Alien Act, 1705: England passed this act which threatened to treat Scots as foreign aliens, and potentially hindered Scottish trade, unless Scotland engaged in discussions about establishing a single British parliament. It was seen as high-handed and offensive by many Scots.

Remember to revisit these points regularly for successful revision, and wish you all the best!