Waiting for Godot: Character Profiles

Waiting for Godot: Character Profiles

  • Vladimir: A deeply philosophical character who often contemplates the nature of man and existence, and tends to be more hopeful and caring compared to his companion Estragon.
  • Estragon: More pragmatic and grounded in physical reality than Vladimir, Estragon often expresses frustration with their circumstances but lacks the motivation to change his situation.
  • Pozzo: Representing dominance and control, Pozzo is a self-absorbed, cruel master who treats Lucky like a slave, indicating a harsh perspective on societal hierarchies.
  • Lucky: Pozzo’s servant who, despite his bleak existence and harsh treatment, demonstrates erudition and complexity, showing how societal structures can devalue an individual’s worth.
  • The boy: Seen as the messenger of Godot, the boy brings short-lived hope to Vladimir and Estragon but also highlights the constant cycle of expectation and disappointment they’re trapped in.
  • Godot: A symbol of unobtainable salvation or relief, Godot is always expected but never arrives, reflecting the idea of life’s repetitive uncertainty and the human tendency to hope despite futile circumstances.