The Lamb
The Lamb
- “The Lamb” is a lyric poem included in William Blake’s poetry collection “Songs of Innocence”.
- The poem is a child’s song, in the form of a question-and-answer, about the nature and actions of the Lamb.
- The speaker, a child, inquires from the Lamb who his creator is.
- The Lamb itself is a traditional Christian symbol for Jesus Christ, signifying gentleness, innocence and divine sacrifice.
- The phrase “He is called by thy name,” refers to Christ being called the Lamb of God.
- “I, a child” represents the innocence of the speaker and humanity in its uncorrupted form.
- Innocence: Represented by both the speaker and the Lamb, innocence is a fundamental theme in the poem, expressed narratively and through naive questioning.
- Religion and Purity: The speaker’s simple and devout belief in the Creator’s loving care displays Blake’s theme of religion and purity.
- Nature and Creation: The narrative of the Lamb’s creation emphasises the beauty, innocence, and tranquillity present in nature.
- Visual imagery: The description of the Lamb with “clothing of delight” and “softest clothing, woolly, bright” offers a vivid mental picture of the scene.
- Tactile imagery: The use of words related to softness and delight create a significant touch sensation enhancing our understanding of the Lamb’s innocence.
Rhyme and Meter
- The poem employs AABB rhyme scheme, a structure common in nursery rhymes, which emphasises its child-like simplicity.
- Each stanza follows the rhyme scheme of quatrain followed by couplet, that contributes to this rhythmical structure.
- The Lamb is depicted as the “child” and the “Lamb of God”, both symbols for Jesus Christ.
- Given that this poem is part of Blake’s “Songs of Innocence”, it is important to consider Blake’s exploration of the theme of innocence and naivety.
- As a Romantic poet, Blake often propagated the purity and simplicity of childhood, and the divine connection found in nature. “The Lamb” embodies these ideas.
These points should contribute to a comprehensive and insightful analysis of “The Lamb” by William Blake. These can also make connections with corresponding “Songs of Experience”, enforcing Blake’s perspective on innocence and experience dichotomy.