Applying for Jobs

Applying for Jobs

  • Understand some key vocabulary related to the job application process, such as CV (curriculum vitae), lettre de motivation (cover letter), entretien d’embauche (job interview) and annonce de travail (job advertisement).

  • Learn how to construct sentences on how to apply for a job. For example, “Pour postuler à ce poste, vous devez envoyer votre CV et votre lettre de motivation” (To apply for this job, you must send your CV and cover letter).

  • Develop awareness of French business etiquette. This includes formal use of language, especially in written communications such as job applications and emails.

  • Grasp some key phrases related to job qualifications and skills. For instance, “Je suis qualifié en…” (I am qualified in…), “J’ai de l’expérience en…” (I have experience in…)

  • Learn how to discuss your future aspirations and career plans in French. “Je voudrais être…” (I would like to be…), “Mon rêve est de travailler dans…” (My dream is to work in…).

  • Be capable of expressing preferences about types of jobs. Use phrases such as “Je préfère travailler dans un environnement…” (I prefer to work in an environment…), “Je ne voudrais pas travailler…” (I would not like to work…), or “Je suis intéressé par…” (I am interested in…).

  • Practice asking and answering questions about employment opportunities. This could include “what qualifications do you need?”, “what are the working hours?” and “how much does the job pay?”

  • Learn how to form sentences about accepting or declining a job offer. Plus, discuss reasons for wanting a particular job or to work for a particular company in French.