Education Post-16

Education Post-16

  • Understand the different educational options available after 16 in France: continuing to the ‘lycée’ (secondary school), undertaking vocational training, or starting an apprenticeship.

  • Be familiar with subject-related vocabulary: les maths (maths), la biologie (biology), la physique (physics), la chimie (chemistry), l’informatique (ICT).

  • Conjugate and use appropriately education-related verbs, such as “étudier” (to study), “réviser” (to revise), “apprendre” (to learn), “passer un examen” (to take an exam), “réussir” (to succeed), “échouer” (to fail).

  • Know the terms for different examination levels, such as ‘le baccalauréat’ (equivalent to A-levels) and ‘le brevet’ (similar to GCSEs).

  • Know how to express your future intentions: “Je voudrais…” (I would like to…), “Je compte…” (I plan to…), “Mon rêve serait de…” (My dream would be to…)

  • Be able to describe aspects of school life, like the school timetable (‘l’emploi du temps’), homework (‘les devoirs’), and school subjects (‘les matières’).

  • Learn how to express opinions about different options and explain the reasons behind your choices.

  • Be able to discuss potential challenges and benefits of different post-16 education routes.

  • Practice talking about your career aspirations and how your preferred post-16 education route would help to achieve them.