Problems in Society

Topic: Problems in Society

  1. Poverty (La pauvreté):
    • Understand the causes such as unemployment (chômage), lack of education (manque d’éducation) and disease (maladie).
    • Familiarise yourself with the consequences, including homelessness (sans-abris) and crime (criminalité).
    • Learn related phrases, such as “below the poverty line” (sous le seuil de pauvreté).
  2. Crime (Le crime):
    • Consider various types of offence, like theft (vol), murder (meurtre) and cyber-crime (cybercriminalité).
    • Learn words related to justice, including court (tribunal), punishment (punition) and law (loi).
    • Be able to discuss ways to combat crime, such as stricter laws (lois plus strictes) and better education (meilleure éducation).
  3. Unemployment (Le chômage):
    • Explore causes including lack of jobs (manque d’emplois), economic recession (récession économique), and automation of jobs (automatisation des emplois).
    • Be familiar with consequences, like depression (la dépression), poverty (la pauvreté) and societal instability (instabilité sociale).
    • Learn how to express concepts like job search (recherche d’emploi), benefits (avantages sociaux), and job creation (création d’emploi).
  4. Discrimination (La discrimination):
    • Understand different forms, including racism (le racisme), sexism (sexisme) and ageism (l’âgisme).
    • Learn key terms, such as equality (égalité), human rights (droits de l’homme) and prejudice (préjudice).
    • Be able to discuss proposed solutions like education (éducation), legislation (législation) and increased diversity (diversité accrue).
  5. Drug addiction (La toxicomanie):
    • Know the reasons people might start taking drugs, such as peer pressure (la pression des pairs), escape from reality (évasion de la réalité) and self-medication (automédication).
    • Understand the consequences, such as health issues (problèmes de santé), crime (crime), and strained relationships (relations tendues).
    • Be capable of discussing potential solutions like education (éducation), treatment/rehabilitation (traitement/réhabilitation), and stricter laws (lois plus strictes).

Remember to practise using these terms and phrases in different contexts, as well as translating between English and French. Always aim to include your personal views, where possible, as this will add value to your answers.