
Topic: Shopping

  • Revise the French vocabulary for different types of shops, such as ‘la boulangerie’ (the bakery), ‘la boucherie’ (the butcher’s shop), and ‘le supermarché’ (the supermarket).

  • Memorise phrases for asking and giving directions to various shops. These could include ‘Pouvez-vous me dire où se trouve la librairie?’ (Can you tell me where the bookstore is?) or ‘Le magasin de chaussures est à côté de la pharmacie.’ (The shoe store is next to the pharmacy).

  • Understand and practise how to ask for specific items in a shop, like ‘Je voudrais deux kilos de pommes, s’il vous plaît.’ (I would like two kilogrammes of apples, please.)

  • Don’t forget polite phrases such as ‘J’aimerais…’ (I would like…) and ‘Pouvez-vous me montrer…’ (Can you show me).

  • Know how to handle transactions, including the French for different forms of payment, for example ‘en espèces’ (cash), ‘par carte’ (by card).

  • Learn how to describe the quality and price of the items, such as ‘C’est cher!’ (It’s expensive!) or ‘C’est bon marché.’ (It’s cheap.)

  • Learn how to use the verbs ‘acheter’ (to buy) and ‘vendre’ (to sell), and ensure you can conjugate them correctly in different tenses.

  • Understand written and spoken descriptions of a shopping experience. This might include key phrases such as ‘hier, j’ai acheté…’ (yesterday, I bought…) or ‘je vais acheter…’ (I’m going to buy…)

  • Brush-up on numbers so you can understand and give prices.

  • Recognise and use phrases describing shopping habits, e.g. ‘Je vais faire du shopping tous les samedis.’ (I go shopping every Saturday.)

Remember, accuracy in word use, grammar and pronunciation are key aspects when trying to achieve high marks. Practice listening to and speaking French as much as possible to improve your proficiency.