School Routine

Chapter: School Routine (Routine Scolaire)

  1. Identifying different parts of a school day in French:

    • Begin with the basics: Le début de la journée (start of the day), la pause déjeuner (lunch break), and la fin de la journée (end of the day).
  2. Key Vocabulary:

    • Le matin (morning), l’après-midi (afternoon), l’école (school), la salle de classe (classroom), le professeur (teacher), les matières (subjects), les devoirs (homework), le déjeuner (lunch), le goûter (after school snack).
  3. Describing a typical day:

    • Learn to phrase sentences detailing a day at school: “Je me réveille à sept heures.” (I wake up at seven.), “J’arrive à l’école à huit heures.” (I arrive at school at eight.), “Je déjeune à midi.” (I have lunch at noon.)
  4. Discuss about subjects:

    • Be able to talk about your subjects: le français (French), les mathématiques (maths), les sciences (sciences), l’histoire (history), etc.
  5. Discuss about preferences and difficulties:

    • Learn how to express likes, dislikes and difficulties: “J’aime le dessin.” (I like Art.), “Je n’aime pas les sciences.” (I don’t like Science.), “Je trouve les mathématiques difficiles.” (I find Maths difficult.)
  6. Mention extracurricular activities:

    • Introduce after-school activities: “Après l’école, je vais au club de football.” (After school, I go to football club.), “Je fais partie du club de théâtre.” (I’m part of the drama club.)
  7. Talk about the future:

    • Discuss academic goals and plans: “Je veux aller à l’université.” (I want to go to university.), “Je veux étudier la biologie.” (I want to study Biology.)
  8. Use of Relevant Tenses:

    • Practice using the present, past and future tenses to describe your school routine.
  9. Role-play Practice:

    • Practice dialogues and scenarios related to school routine. This can involve discussing a school day or talking to a teacher about a subject.

Remember, practise is essential in becoming familiar with French vocabulary and phrases related to school routine. Utilise flashcards and vocabulary lists for consistent review. Engage in speaking practises to get a feel for natural conversation.