
  • Understanding how to express your opinions in French is critical. “Je pense que” (I think that), “Je crois que” (I believe that), “à mon avis” (in my opinion), and “selon moi” (according to me) are commonly used phrases.
  • Remember to adapt the verb when expressing a positive opinion. For instance, “J’aime” (I like), “J’adore” (I love) or “Je préfère” (I prefer).
  • Negative opinions can be expressed using phrases like “Je n’aime pas” (I don’t like), “Je déteste” (I hate) or “Je ne supporte pas” (I can’t stand).
  • You may express a neutral viewpoint using sentences like “Ça ne me dérange pas” (It doesn’t bother me) or “Ça m’est égal” (It’s all the same to me).
  • To put the subject of your opinion in context, use words such as “le…”, “la…” or “les…” (the…).
  • Use adjectives to describe your opinions such as “ennuyeux/boring” or “intéressant/interesting”. Always remember to make adjectives agree with the subject in gender and number.
  • To indicate uncertainty or give a qualified opinion use phrases such as “Je ne suis pas sûr que…” (I’m not sure that…) or “Il se peut que…” (It is possible that…).
  • To strengthen your opinions, make use of intensifying adverbs like “très” (very), “assez” (quite), “extrêmement” (extremely), “particulièrement” (particularly), or “absolument” (absolutely).
  • Be familiar with subjunctive structures when expressing opinions that are subjective or uncertain, e.g., “Il est possible que..” followed by the verb in subjunctive mode.
  • Practise these phrases and vocabulary in different contexts to gain confidence. Remember, the more you use them, the better they’ll stick.