Caring for the Environment

Title: Caring for the Environment

I. Understanding the Issue

  • Know the French vocabulary related to environmental issues like pollution (la pollution), recycling (le recyclage), climate change (le changement climatique), and global warming (le réchauffement climatique).
  • Familiarise yourselves with the effects of these issues, the importance of caring for the environment, and the actions taken to address these problems. This could range from local initiatives to international agreements.

II. Expressing your views

  • Practice expressing opinions and suggestions. This could involve the use of phrases such as ‘je pense que’ (I think that), ‘à mon avis’ (in my opinion), ‘il faut que’ (it is necessary that) or ‘on devrait’ (one should).
  • Discuss the practical steps individuals can take to care for the environment, such as recycling (recycler), reducing energy consumption (réduire la consommation d’énergie), using public transportation (utiliser les transports en commun), and waste segregation (la séparation des déchets).

III. Future and Conditional Tenses

  • Get comfortable with using the future and conditional tenses to discuss future possibilities and hypothetical situations, e.g., ‘nous pourrions’ (we could), ‘nous devrons’ (we will have to).

IV. Role-plays and Conversation

  • Practice role-plays and conversations that revolve around the topic of environmental protection. Examples could include a conversation between close friends, a dialogue between a student and a teacher, or a debate among classmates.
  • Encourage active listening and respond appropriately in conversation, using phrases like ‘d’accord’ (agreed), ‘je suis d’accord’ (I agree), ‘je ne suis pas d’accord’ (I disagree), and ‘ça dépend’ (it depends).

V. Reading Comprehension and Written Responses

  • Work on comprehension skills by reading French articles and other texts about environmental issues. Practice translating these materials or summarising them in French.
  • Like in your spoken responses, written responses should also express opinions, suggest solutions, and use a range of complex grammatical structures. It’s a great idea to memorise some key phrases and arguments on both sides of the issue.

Remember, effective revision entails regular practise. A good understanding of the topic and successful communication of your thoughts in French will serve you well. Bonne chance (good luck)!