The French word for ‘music’ is ‘la musique’. Remember, all French nouns have a gender which affects the adjectives used with them.
Different genres include ‘la musique pop’ (pop music), ‘la musique rock’ (rock music), ‘la musique classique’ (classical music), and ‘le jazz’ (jazz).
To talk about your music tastes, you can say ‘Jaime…’ (I like…) or ‘Je n’aime pas…’ (I do not like…). For example, ‘J’aime la musique pop’ (I like pop music).
You can indicate how often you listen to music by using phrases such as ‘tous les jours’ (every day), ‘souvent’ (often), ‘parfois’ (sometimes), or ‘rarement’ (rarely).
Instruments are important to discuss in this topic. Examples include ‘une guitare’ (a guitar), ‘un piano’ (a piano), or ‘des tambours’ (drums).
To say you play an instrument, you can use the phrase ‘Je joue du/de la…’ with the correct instrument.
Phrases to describe how music makes you feel can also be useful. For example, ‘La musique me rend heureux/heureuse’ (Music makes me happy) or ‘La musique me détend’ (Music relaxes me).
Consider how to say you are going to a concert: ‘Je vais à un concert’ or ‘Je vais voir un concert de…’ (I am going to a … concert).
Remember to revise your future tense and your past tenses, as you may want to talk about a concert you have been to or one you plan on attending. For example, ‘Je suis allé(e) à un concert hier’ (I went to a concert yesterday), or ‘Je vais aller à un concert la semaine prochaine’ (I am going to a concert next week).