Social Media

I. Understanding Social Media Vocabulary in French:

  • “Les réseaux sociaux” - Social networks.
  • “Le profil” - Profile.
  • “Le statut” - Status.
  • “Message privé” - Private message.
  • “Les abonnés” - Subscribers/followers.
  • “Poster” ou “Publier” - To post/publish.
  • “Le fil d’actualité” - News feed.
  • “Le commentaire” - Comment.
  • “J’aime” - Like.

II. Discussing Opinions About Social Media:

  • Positive viewpoints:
    1. “Les réseaux sociaux permettent de rester en contact avec des amis et de la famille qui habitent loin.” - Social media allows you to keep in touch with friends and family who live far away.
    2. “Ils sont utiles pour partager des photos et des souvenirs.” - They are useful for sharing photos and memories.
  • Negative viewpoints:
    1. “Ils peuvent être une perte de temps.” - They can be a waste of time.
    2. “Ils peuvent causer de l’intimidation en ligne.” - They can cause online bullying.

III. Discussing the Impact of Social Media:

  • “Les réseaux sociaux ont changé la manière dont nous communiquons.” - Social media has changed how we communicate.
  • “Ils ont un impact significatif sur notre vie quotidienne.” - They have a significant impact on our daily life.

IV. Discussing use of Social Media:

  • Common phrases for daily activities:
    1. “Je regarde le fil d’actualité tous les matins.” - I check the news feed every morning.
    2. “Je poste des photos de mes vacances sur Instagram.” - I post photos of my holidays on Instagram.

Remember, expression is as important as understanding so ensure a good balance between writing, reading, listening and verbal practise to reinforce learning of this topic.