Everyday Life

Chapter: Everyday Life

  • Your day: Explain your daily activities. Start with waking up, describe your morning routine, your way to school, lessons, after-school activities, and bedtime routine. Include regular actions and verbs like “je me réveille” (I wake up), “je me douche” (I take a shower) and “je vais à l’école” (I go to school).

  • Food and meals: Be familiar with French food vocabulary. Learn how to describe meals, and the order of different meals (petit déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner) and common French foods.

  • Shopping: Understand vocabulary associated with shopping, like types of shops (la boulangerie - the bakery, la pharmacie - the pharmacy), payment methods, and phrases to ask for something (“Je voudrais un kilo de pommes” - I would like a kilo of apples).

  • Household chores: Know how to say common chores in French such as washing the dishes (“faire la vaisselle”), cleaning the room (“nettoyer la chambre”) and doing the laundry (“faire la lessive”), and sentiments about them (“je n’aime pas repasser” - I don’t like to iron).

  • School & Work: Describe a typical day at school/work including travel, main activities and interactions with others.

  • Hobbies and leisure: Be able to express your likes, dislikes, and interests in French. “J’aime lire” (I like to read), “Je déteste courir” (I hate running), “Je m’intéresse à la musique” (I am interested in music).

  • Seasons and Weather: Understand and use terms for weather conditions (“il fait beau” - it is beautiful), seasons, and associated activities.

  • Health and Wellness: Be comfortable with vocabulary about health, sickness, visits to the doctor, body parts, and common phrases like “je me sens malade” (I feel sick).

  • Family & Friends Relations: Know how to introduce and describe your friends and family “Mon frère aîné s’appelle…” (My elder brother’s name is…) as well as express relationships, feelings, and interactions.

Practise these phrases often, and try to use them in different sentences. This will help prepare you for the daily life portion of your assessment.